New Zealand lies 1,600 km east of AustraliaIf you are contemplating starting again in a country on the other side of the world, then property in New Zealand may have entered your thoughts.

Around 1,600 km east of Australia, the collection of volcanic islands that make up New Zealand is one of the best places in the world to enjoy outdoor activities.

Sports and leisure play a dominant role in the country’s cultural identity, with rugby forming a huge part of that association.

But there is more to New Zealand than the All Blacks and every year, keen cyclists take on the Tour de Wakatipu, which is a 45 km race through countryside around Queenstown.

A post-race party awaits those who cross the finish line, where food, drink and music form part of the event.

For those who want a more laid-back cycle ride, there’s a special recreational route of 36 km.

One-quarter of New Zealand is protected wilderness and much of the country is pollution-free, according to

Stop dreaming, start searching! Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of property in New Zealand.