For environmentally conscious investors who wish to purchase property in France, the Peugot Eco Cup takes place on February 15th and could offer something different for motorsport enthusiasts.

The 1000 km racecourse gets under way in Paris and the finishing line is in Geneva. The winners will be the most fuel-efficient drivers to complete the race within the 30-36 hour permitted period.

Potential participants choose one of four Peugeot car categories that they wish to take part in. All of the vehicles involved are diesel-powered family cars which have been recognised for their fuel economy and low carbon consumption.

Jon Goodman, managing director of Peugeot UK said: "This first Peugeot Eco Cup is a truly exciting challenge in the mould of those first great motoring adventures and uses the expertise from one of Europe’s leaders in terms of environmental vehicles."

Peugeot will measure the total environmental impact of the Eco Cup 2010 and plan to offset the CO2 emissions generated by the event.

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