Anyone considering a move in to the Italian property market may want to experience the Venice Carnival before making any decisions.

The event is the highlight of the year in Venice where a two-week series of masquerades, music and festival processions dominate the streets and town centres from February 6th 2010.

As an ancient city steeped in history, Venice attracts tourists and travellers every year but the festival brings revellers from all over the world and could be an ideal attraction for someone looking to invest in property in Italy.

The carnival has a tradition of mask-wearing and period costumes which has been a feature of the celebrations since the 13th century making it a perfect event for those passionate about that period of history.

There is a new theme adopted by the carnival every year and for 2010 organisers have decided the theme is going to be ‘sensation’. Directed by Marco Balich and inspired by the human senses, this year’s carnival invites visitors to see, feel, smell and taste while remaining anonymous behind their mask.

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