Running enthusiasts who are looking to buy property in Spain may wish to consider Barcelona as a possible location to relocate or find a holiday home.

The historically and culturally rich city is famous for many things, such as its football team and museums, but the Barcelona Marathon on March 7th has an appeal of its own.

The route, which changes every year, leads the contestants through the city streets and past some of Barcelona’s infamous landmarks.

Nearly 10,000 runners were registered for last year’s race, with the aim being to finish the race (26 miles) in less than six hours.

The race evokes the feeling of a festival and this year the event organisers have arranged for a selection of artists and performers to appear throughout and after the race.

Catalonian band Plebeya are performing and the Foundation of Tibet in Barcelona will be present offering a range of exhibitions and activities as well as many other attractions taking place around racetime.

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