The Spanish Property Owners Guild has reported an increase in interest from potential foreign investors.

An improved number of searches in the last few months would indicate that people from the UK are beginning to consider relocating or investing in Spanish property, coinciding with the cold snap sweeping the nation.

Paul Bradley, a spokesperson from the Spanish Property Owners Guild, believes the cold has driven curiosity and caused people to seek warmer climes.

He says: "Snowbound surfers marooned in the doom and gloom of the UK for nearly two years have nothing better to do than make a virtual escape to somewhere sunny."

Mr Bradley also confirmed that the number of actual sales made has not significantly increased as of yet, but there are a number of areas in Spain where there is potential for investors.

In particular, city and town centres have a low concentration of foreign property buyers and an excess of unsold or repossessed homes. The more rural areas provide a good location for adventurous foreigners, as many of the houses are vacated by the local young population moving to the city.

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