Spanish property investors from the UK are reportedly missing out on some of the best locations to buy homes in the country, according to the Spanish Tourism Office.

Galicia, Asturias and Castille are situated in the north-west region of Spain and Ignacio Vasallo, UK and Europe director of the Spanish Tourism Office, believes them to be amongst some of the most beautiful and culturally rich places in the country.

He said: "Galicia’s fjords and rugged landscape are a huge attraction for visitors and the local fish is phenomenal. The Cantabrian Mountains in Asturias lend themselves perfectly for hiking, caving and other outdoor pursuits. There are many walking and cycling trails as well as undiscovered beaches."

Recent studies show Spanish property is still hugely popular with UK investors and lifestyle buyers, compared with other destinations worldwide, as many people see a holiday home as a solid way of investing their money.

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