The OECD is predicting 4 per cent economic growth for Brazil in 2010, adding weight to the assertion that the country is rebounding from the economic slump in an emphatic manner. This all points to a healthy future for property investment in Brazil, both for investors and for holiday home buyers.

President da Silva’s efforts to reduce poverty in Brazil and initiate a massive expansion of the middle class has in turn stimulated huge growth in the market for property in Brazil – a sector that has been critical in the country’s resilience to recession.

In addition the Global Construction 2020 Report from market analysts Global Construction Perspectives suggests that the property construction output of the emerging markets will overtake that of developed countries, with an estimate growth of 110 per cent in the market by 2020, making the sector worth $7 trillion across the emerging markets. Brazil, as one of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries will be at the forefront of this growth.

Brazil is also predicted to benefit significantly from the arrival of the World Cup and Olympic Games, which will continue to boost investment in infrastructure and aid with the further development of tourism in the region. The Global Construction Report says that growth in Brazil should continue at more than six per cent until 2014.

”Whilst it would be spurious to suggest that Brazil’s property market is going to accelerate at the rates of recent years, it is highly unlikely that it will come to a halt for a number of reasons.” says Samantha Gore, Head of Sales and Marketing for Brazil property experts

”At the heart of Government policy is its low income housing scheme ‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida – My House, My Life’ which, with the aid of cash grants and discounted mortgages, will create one million affordable homes for an ownership-hungry population.”