After over a year of disrupted travel, strict quarantines and expensive tests, it is no surprise that many of us are feeling pretty deflated about travelling abroad. The good news, though, is that in light of the government’s latest travel update, it is easier and cheaper to go overseas than it has been in a long time.

So, if you’re hoping to book a trip abroad to visit properties soon, here is exactly what you need to do. Spoiler: it’s really simple!

3-bedroom detached villa in Alicante, Spain

As of the 4 October 2021, the old ‘traffic light’ system has been replaced by a new simplified travel system in which countries are placed in one of two categories: the red list or the rest of the world.

Most countries, including those that are popular holiday destinations, are currently in the rest of the world category. Countries that are still on the red list will be reviewed every three weeks and have different travel rules to what we explain below. You can find the current red list here.

Before you travel abroad

It is important to note, that although the UK government has changed its rules around returning to England, other countries may still have rules in place that you must follow before you arrive there.

For example, if you are travelling to Spain, you must complete a Health Locator Form no more than 48 hours before you depart which you will be asked to show before boarding the plane in the UK and at border control in Spain.

Make sure to check the travel rules for the specific country that you are travelling to in good time before you depart.

7-bedroom house in Aquitaine, France

Returning to England after 4 October 2021

If you are fully vaccinated:

Travellers who are fully vaccinated – meaning that you have had both vaccine doses, with your second being administered no less than 14 days before you arrive back in England – will no longer have to complete a pre-departure test, take a day 8 test, or quarantine for 10 days.

You will still need to take a day 2 test, on or before your second day in England, however from later in October, you will be able to take a lateral flow test instead of the current requirement of a PCR test. Lateral flow tests are cheaper to purchase than PCR tests.

You will need to show that you have booked a day 2 test before you return to England. You can either get it delivered to the place you are staying in England, or you can actually take your day 2 test at many airports in the UK when you land.

As well as your day 2 test, you need to fill in a passenger locator form in the 48 hours before you arrive in the England. This is where you will need to show that you have already booked a day 2 test.

4-bedroom house in Umbria, Italy

If you are not fully vaccinated:

Travellers who are not fully vaccinated will still need to take a pre-departure test before they travel back to England. This must be taken no more than 72 hours before you arrive in England. You can either purchase this test in the country you are visiting, or you can bring it with you in advance from England.

Those that are not fully vaccinated must also book and pay for a day 2 and 8 test and complete a passenger locator form in the 48 hours before arriving in England.

Once in England, you will also need to quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days and take your pre-booked day 2 and 8 tests on the appropriate days.

Written by Overseas Guides Company.

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