A leading homes abroad specialist has reported a flood of enquiries regarding Portugal property investment opportunities this summer.

Rightmove has reported its highest level of searches since August 2008, with Portugal property proving the fourth favourite holiday home search term among those participating in what the company has christened "super search summer".

Robin Wilson, Head of Overseas at Rightmove, commented: "There’s no doubt that for the summer season, appetite for overseas property has returned.

"Portugal bumping Italy back to 5th place in our top countries table […] [reflects] Portugal’s improving reputation as a quality alternative to Spain with all the facilities and weather."

Online searches for Portugal property and other second home destinations rose by 32 per cent in August, compared to July 2009 figures, which had themselves increased by 20 per cent since June.

Further figures from the company show 63 per cent of countries saw an increase in buyer interest, including enquiries from those seeking Portugal property.

Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of Portugal property. Stop dreaming, start searching!ADNFCR-1848-ID-19351037-ADNFCR