Italian screen siren Monica Bellucci has extolled the virtues of Italy property, claiming she would rather stay at home than go to glamorous celebrity parties.

The beautiful ex-model and actress, 44, who owns Italy property in Rome as well as a house in London, says she finds staying in with her four-year-old daughter Deva far more fulfilling these days than treading the red carpet.

Ms Bellucci comments: "I am at a stage in my life where if I don’t go out, I don’t feel I’m missing something. I get bored surrounded by people smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol.

"And I’m not so interested now in going to premieres or being photographed on the red carpet. I want to be with my daughter."

The actress was born in the Italian village of Citta di Castello, in Italy property hotspot Umbria, and attended the University of Perugia before leaving to pursue her silver screen aspirations.

Ms Bellucci, who also keeps a French property in Paris, is married to Deva’s father, actor Vincent Cassel.

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