Investors can avoid the risks of a boom and bust economy by buying Italy property, says an industry expert.

According to overseas living magazine Shelter Offshore, Italians move on average every 20 years or so and are less "property obsessed" than other Europeans, making the country a safer bet for investment.

Like many other countries, Italy’s economy is not performing well and this means prices are currently around ten per cent lower than usual; making it the ideal time to buy, it advises.

However, the magazine suggests that buyers should not expect to snap up a bargain-basement house but instead look for a "true investment" in their Italy property.

Those who want to make a profit from their purchase might consider buying a city-based apartment close to a business district to ensure a steady rental income, it adds.

Anyone on a search for Italy property in the north of the country may be encouraged by a recent article in the Guardian, which said a wealth of holiday homes have recently cropped up around Tuscany as the area becomes more popular with tourists.

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