The festival of St Walter is celebrated at the start of August in the city of Guimaraes, something that may interest Portugal property seekers looking to invest in the area.

A disciple of St Francis of Assisi, St Walter is the patron saint of the city, which is regarded as being the birthplace of the Portuguese nation.

The event, which dates back to 1452, sees days of processions, food and drink and festivities.

Such an occurrence may alert Portugal property seekers to the cultural and historical traditions of Guimaraes, the medieval centre of which was made a UNESCO world heritage site in 2001 for its architectural significance.

Those who invest in the area may find the value of property rises as more attention is focused on these features of the city in the run-up to 2012, when it will share the title of European Capital of Culture with Maribor in Slovenia.

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