Spain is one of the most popular destinations for British people moving abroad: so what is it about the country that attracts expats from the UK?

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Chatting to Trevor and Sue, a number of reasons influenced their decision to move to Spain, a country where they had both spent time in the past. “Sue had lived in Spain for four years before having to return to the UK for family reasons. While in Spain she felt vibrant, healthy and full of life,” remarks Trevor. “The weather is never as dull and grey as in England somehow: the winters can be cold but without that clinging damp associated with the UK. For those of us with joint problems the climate in Spain has an almost miraculous effect!”

Sue had spent time in a typically Spanish town where she was the only English speaker. “You might think that the Spanish people would ‘talk slowly and loudly’ to Sue and me as we attempt to learn their language, but the opposite is true!” grins Trevor. “They are very friendly and patient with our attempts and help us enormously.”

Trevor continues: “What I love is that the family is the most important thing in their lives to the Spanish people. They ‘work to live’, unlike in the UK where people ‘live to work’. Provided there is enough food on the table and the bills are paid, the Spanish are more than happy, hence their mañana attitude! We loved our time spent there so much that we decided to move permanently.”

Once living in Almeria, Trevor and Sue adopted a ‘wait and see’ attitude at first. They resolved to keep their home in the UK and hold off buying in Spain until the property market improved but, after nearly three years, they decided that the time was right to buy.

Next on Trevor’s list was how to move funds from the UK across to Spain, given the fluctuation of currency exchange rates between sterling and the euro. By his own admission something of an ‘Internet fiend’, he came upon Smart Currency Exchange’s website while doing his research.

“Believe me, I left no stone unturned and compared currency companies,” laughs Trevor, “but this one appeared to have the clarity that I required. After reading their website I had an idea of how it all works and this was followed by a long chat to them about how they could help me. I liked their ideas and went ahead with all their suggestions which ultimately meant quite a saving.”

Trevor and Sue are proof that moving countries is possible if you want it enough. “Fairy tales can come true, with hard work and a bit of luck,” says Trevor. In their case, this took thorough research and careful planning, but the end result is a dream come true for them both.

For more information on buying property successfully in Spain, download the Overseas Guides Company’s free Spain Buying Guide – and start receiving free news updates by email. Or to see property for sale all over Spain, visit Rightmove’s Spain listings.

A simple way to save money when buying property in Spain is to use a currency exchange specialist when transferring your pounds into euros. For more information on this, download Smart Currency Exchange’s free report or visit the Currency Zone.