Hobbies don’t get much more expensive than flying, so pilot Bob Bright was especially pleased when he found two ways to save some money – flying in the US and using Smart Currency Exchange instead of his bank to send money there.

Article written by Smart Currency Exchange

Bob, a retired law lecturer and civil servant from the Northeast, began flying in Florida in 1991, when he spent time there studying for his basic pilot’s licence. Now a qualified commercial pilot and certified flight instructor, he continues to make regular trips to the US, which requires him to transfer pounds into dollars to cover his expenses and living costs, including his rent.

“When I began spending extended periods in the US for flying, I looked for a cheaper way to send money there than using the bank or a travel agent,” said Bob. “I opened a bank account in the US and found a specialist trader but soon realised I was still being charged unnecessarily and there were occasional delays in funds arriving in my US account.”

Fortunately, Bob came across material promoting Smart Currency Exchange and decided to give them a try. Said Bob: “I was immediately impressed by the courtesy and helpfulness of the Smart people and my first transaction through them went very smoothly. Since then I have conducted all my business through Smart.

“To make a transfer, I simply send an email to my personal trader, advising the amount of Sterling I need to convert into dollars, transfer the Sterling into Smart’s segregated client account and the agreed dollar funds arrive in my US account within 24 hours of my initial email. I can’t expect better than that. My transfers are on an as-and-when basis and typically are for around £3,000. ”

Bob’s passion for flying stemmed from his hobby as a sky diving instructor. Initially he began learning to fly in the UK but after three months had only managed four hours of instruction, due to poor weather and other problems with the flight school. “It was this that led me to look to the US, particularly Florida, where not only is the climate so much better, but flying is much cheaper,” continued Bob. “A few years ago I decided that I needed to progress from the basic pilot’s licence and began studying for further pilot ratings, which have given me commercial pilot and certified flight instructor status. I am presently studying for my Airline Transport Passenger Licence.”

What Bob has achieved as a pilot is no mean feat, and Smart is pleased to have helped him get to where he is. “Assisting Bob is a pleasure, especially when we know any financial savings we make translates to more flying time for him,” said Marc Morley-Freer, Head of Private Client at Smart Currency Exchange. “Learning to fly overseas is not uncommon, and we’d welcome more clients who want to make savings when sending funds to the US or any other country for the same purpose. We could also help flying clubs or flying schools that receive payments from overseas students or pilots.”

If, like Bob, you spend extended periods abroad, either in rented accommodation or a property you own yourself, or are on the verge of buying an overseas property, find out how Smart Currency Exchange could help you save money by downloading their free report.

For more information on property in the USA safely, download the Overseas Guides Company’s free USA Buying Guide.