Prospective French property buyers have been given a boost by news that the value of the pound has reached its highest level this year against the euro.

Sterling has risen above the €1.17 mark today, having been close to parity around the Christmas and New Year period.

The UK currency has been gaining ground recently, but enjoyed a particular boost today due to a report from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) stating that the UK economy grew by 0.2 per cent in April and 0.1 per cent in May.

If the UK is indeed coming out of recession while the eurozone is still in it, this could help the pound rise further in value, lowering the cost of buying French property further.

The NIESR report stated that the evidence points to March as being the "trough of the depression" in the UK.

It said this is "coherent with the broader picture of stabilisation" seen in the UK economy through other indicators.

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