The Italy property market is seeing extra interest from British buyers thanks to the recent rise in the value of sterling, it has been stated.

Speaking to, Tam Stanley of remarked that the region has seen a lot of pent-up demand being unleashed following the recent recovery of sterling.

He said that while this currency process has been going on since April, "it’s really only in the last three weeks that enquiries have started to increase and we are seeing a lot more people taking us up on inspection visits to Calabria".

Mr Stanley explained that the area has remained "stable" during the recent market downturn, due to prices never being overinflated and the government refusing to allow the area to become overdeveloped.

Sicily is another part of the Italy property scene that is increasingly popular with Britons, Country Life recently reported.

The magazine noted that the island has seen a large number of UK buyers investing there in the past two years, principally on the east side.

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