Free internet for all – now doesn’t that sound like a nice but highly unlikely proposition! Well, if reports from The Washington Post are anything to go by – there could be a new, super Wi-Fi network introduced across the entire United States in a new Government initiative.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

The idea has received backing from technological giants Google and Microsoft who believe that providing people with the ability to browse the internet and make free phone calls via the internet will be hugely beneficial to the whole population – especially lower income families.

Unsurprisingly, not everyone is delighted by the idea! The wireless industry are up in arms and have responded by launching a fierce political lobbying effort to have the idea eradicated completely. Their main argument is that the new super network, which would have more powerful airwaves to allow it to penetrate through obstacles, would interfere with television broadcasts and existing mobile phone networks.

When the American Government lifted restrictions on a limited number of unlicensed airwaves available to the public in 1985, wireless technology took off in a big way and numerous innovative gadgets flooded the market. By lowering the barrier to access the unlicensed spectrum of airwaves, a greater number of consumers were able to benefit from new technology. Some companies already provide free Wi-Fi to the public in certain neighbourhoods, and consumer advocates emphasise the benefits to people on a low income who can’t afford to pay for internet service.

The proposal would require local television stations to sell airwaves to the Government to be converted into public networks, but it is unclear if these stations are willing to comply.

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