Almost two years after the catastrophic earthquake that hit Christchurch in New Zealand’s South Island, the city continues to feel the after-effects of the natural disaster.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Rebuilding has been long and slow process, impeded by repeated aftershocks. However, progress is being made and having so much to do is creating fantastic opportunities for people looking for a way to make the move to New Zealand.

With roads to repair, water pipes to lay and infrastructure works to get up and running, the employment prospects offers by the major reconstruction works are attracting workers from across the world.

Plenty of Brits have already arrived and according to figures released recently by Immigration New Zealand, people from the Philippines and Ireland are also flying in to fill the labour shortages. Statistics show that 214 Brits have been issued visas along with 80 Phillippino nationals and 69 Irish.

Christchurch resident, Pattie Pegler of the New Zealand Buying Guide commented: “Just this weekend, I read in the local press that a further 600 Irish and British are expected to arrive in Christchurch over the next six months. This just goes to show that if you have the necessary experience, there are roles over here that could help you to make the move that you have spent the last few years merely dreaming of. This could be just the motivation that you need!”

In addition to this, the New Zealand Government have been pouring money into training programmes to ensure that there are enough skilled tradespeople available. Skills and Employment Minister, Steven Joyce, recently commented that over the next few years the need for builders, plumbers, landscapers, engineers, electricians and so on, is only set to increase. What are you waiting for?

For details of properties for sale in New Zealand, visit the NZ listings on Rightmove Overseas. When emigrating to New Zealand or buying property there, using a currency exchange specialist rather than a bank to transfer your pounds to NZ dollars could save you thousands. Smart Currency Exchange can help you do this – for more information download their free guide by clicking here.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in New Zealand, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘New Zealand Property Buying Guide

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