The Canadian government have made an announcement which states that they will be cutting the number of people given permanent residency through its Federal Skilled Worker programme by 2,000.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

The reason for this decision is to make way for 3,000 people who have worked or studied in the North American nation for the last two years.

Although this may sound like it is bad news for immigrants, the reality is that Canada is expanding its “Canadian Experience Class” scheme, which gives permanent residency to those already integrated into the way of life.

The decision is designed to ensure that all foreigners who immigrate to Canada are able to contribute in some way to the country’s economy and is a move in the right direction towards their target of attracting “more of the world’s top talent who already have a successful track record in Canada”. This stands true to a pledge that the government made back in September to prioritise English speaking under 35s who had previously worked in Canada.

Stewart of the commented: “It’s a positive move. Those who have already lived in Canada for some time will be better equipped to know for sure that this is where they want to be as they will have acclimatised, settled in and adjusted to the way of life. It’s not a surprise that so many people want to live here and it’s good that the government are taking positive steps to attracting the right people to fill the labour shortages and move the country in the right direction”.

In 2012, 7,000 were granted residency, in 2013 it is expected that up to 10,000 people will be allowed to settle permanently in Canada.

It was also announced that the maximum quote for federal skilled workers will drop from 57,000 in 2012 to 55,300 in 2013. The programme was frozen in July of this year in an attempt to clear the backlog of applications which was said to be close to 100,000.

For details of properties for sale in Canada, visit the Canada listings on Rightmove Overseas. Preparation for anyone considering a move to Canada should include planning for the transfer of your pounds into Canadian dollars. For information on how to do this safely and save money when doing so – giving you more to spend on shopping – speak to currency exchange specialist Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Canada, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Canada Property Buying Guide

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