Homebuyers in Florida tempted to skimp on paying for a “home inspection” do so at their peril – there is a reason they are recommended, even for new properties.


Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

According to the Florida Association of Realtors (FAR) – the state’s trade body for realtors – many homebuyers don’t understand how a home inspection works or don’t realise that typically the buyer, the buyer’s agent and the listing agent all have the same goal, namely a smooth sales transaction.

With this in mind, FAR offers the following tips about home inspections for investors in Florida:

  • The buyer, who hires inspector, should ensure the inspector they choose is licensed. He or she should also read the seller’s disclosures and note any questions they have for the inspector.


  • Ideally, the buyer will follow the inspector everywhere, including into the roof and basement. However, buyers should understand that an inspector’s job is to note problems and they may not have all the answers to any problems they highlight, such as information about the cost of potential improvements.


  • Ideally, the buyer’s realtor should also take part in the inspection, so they are on hand to advise the buyer how to proceed if the inspector uncovers any serious flaws.


  • After the inspection, the buyer and his realtor should examine the detailed inspection report and discuss what to do next.


  • Experts generally recommend buyers not to bring along a relative or friend who is a contractor. Since they’re not licensed property inspectors, contractors could raise unnecessary red flags that hamper the transaction.


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