Moving anywhere out of your comfort zone can prove stressful, even if it is just to a new house down the road. So how do expats cope when they move to the other side of the world?

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Today the chat to three readers who made the brave move. We asked them what they missed the most and how they dealt with it…

Harry Piper moved to Melbourne, Victoria in 2011

“I’m sports mad and I know that it might be hard to believe but the one thing that really got me down was not having access to all of the UK sport. Whilst drowning my sorrow over a beer a new friend told me about Foxtel (Australia’s version of Sky) and I got on the phone immediately. Within no time, we were hooked up. I was smiling again because I could catch important fixtures and my wife now gets a chance to watch her soaps”.

Karen Maloney moved to Perth, Western Australia in 2008

“The one thing that I was dreading when I emigrated was being out of touch with my family. I was used to chatting to one or all of them each and every night in the UK and the time difference just made that impossible. Fortunately, my kids are pretty tech savvy and they helped me set up a Skype account. In no time, I had learnt the ropes and we were chatting face to face as often as we could. It really helped me to settle in; knowing that we could chat and that I could see their faces meant the world to me”.

Carly Buchanan moved to Sydney to be with her boyfriend back in 2010

“Aside from all of my friends and family, I really missed my regular Pilates class. I struggled to find classes and then when I did I just didn’t feel right about it. It was getting me down so I decided to get serious about finding a class that I loved. I chatted to colleagues and friends and soon had a list of classes to try. It wasn’t long before I found the perfect class. It really helped me to have a bit of structure to my week and I quickly made friends with all the regulars”.

You can find properties for sale in Australia via the listings on Rightmove Overseas. When emigrating to Australia or buying property there, using a currency exchange specialist rather than a bank to transfer your money could save you thousands. Smart Currency Exchange can help you do this – for more information download their free guide by clicking here.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Australia, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Australia Property Buying Guide

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