Cyprus is a wonderful place to move to. What with the lovely weather, the lower cost of living and a more family orientated way of life, it’s easy to see why people decide to up sticks and move to the island.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

When making such an important, life-changing decision, it is vitally important to get clued up and follow a few tips from the likes of in order to help you avoid any unwanted problems.

Although you can’t make provision for every single thing that could happen, you can be alert to a number of things that should be checked before you proceed with your property purchase.

Firstly, when you have your eye on a property, don’t be afraid to chat to the neighbours or the other residents of the complex to ask their opinion on the general running of the property. Enquire as to whether there are any on-going problems that you should know about and what your annual fees actually cover. Take a look around the complex and see what areas look like they are due repair or upgrade and ask the management whether they will be dealing with this before you move in or whether you will have to contribute. When you are chatting to your neighbours, enquire about noise as well, you don’t want to be stuck next to the neighbours from hell.

Make sure that you conduct your property search through a reputable estate agent. If you know anyone who has made the move before you, don’t be afraid to be asked to be put in touch with their agent if they would recommend them. Also, get online and check out what people have been saying about them. A little research could avoid a lot of trouble.

Finally, always be sure that you use an independent, English speaking property lawyer, such as A & G Kouzali, to protect your interests during the purchase process and check your contract has nothing you are unsure about. Although it’s important to take precautions, don’t let this take the fun out of the process. You are realising your dreams of moving to Cyprus – enjoy it!

Search for properties in Cyprus on Rightmove Overseas. If you’re planning to buy in or move to Cyprus and need to transfer a large sum of money there, remember to use a currency specialist to exchange your pounds into euros. For more information, visit the Currency Zone or Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property Cyprus, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Cyprus Property Buying Guide

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