This week we chat to readers Steve James and his wife who after receiving a family inheritance were able to realise their dream of buying a holiday apartment in the little-known Greek resort of Tolo.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Here they tell us about their holiday home and the process of buying it…

Most people look blank when I tell them that we have bought an apartment in Tolo but for many years we have been going to this little known town just ten kilometres south of Nafplion, the capital of the Argolis region in the Peloponnese mainland. We first holidayed there in 1995 and have returned countless times.

It all started with an apartment hotel package which really turned out well. When we wanted to do the trip again the following year the hotel was fully booked so we decided to book independently, both then and almost every year since.

We have always believed in making friends with the local people and not just hanging out with expats. Our bond with the Greeks has grown over the years and, attracted by the live Greek music at To Steki taverna in Tolo, we became very friendly with the owner and his family. In 2010 we learnt that the lead bouzouki player had put his apartment on the market and we ended up buying it.

The apartment is the best of both worlds. Up the hill from the beach, near the town’s main street but just far enough away to be quiet and peaceful, it has two bedrooms and a lovely sea view.
We came upon The Overseas Guides Company (OGC) when browsing the internet for people who could help us with our property purchase. We knew we wanted to do it but we just weren’t sure how to go about it. OGC were incredibly helpful from start to finish. They guided us through everything from purchasing the property to finding a reputable lawyer and accountant.

In addition to the practical advice we received, OGC put us in touch with Smart Currency Exchange. We estimated that, with the far better exchange rates than our high street bank, Smart saved us between £6000 and £7000 on the price of the apartment. Further monthly and annual transfers have been and will continue to be made on an on-going basis, also using Smart. This will cover things like utilities and the new property tax which is around €300 annually.

Only by truly integrating with the local people can you really get a feel for the country. Their friendship has been amazing – they treat us so warmly and so kindly. The fact that in their absence the apartment is looked after by the wife of the former owner is testament to this.

We love visiting our home in Greece – we go out about four times a year but, as time goes by, we look forward to spending more and more time there, accompanied hopefully by family and friends.

Search for properties for sale in Greece on Rightmove Overseas. If you’re planning to buy in or move to Greece and need to transfer a large sum of money there, remember to use a currency specialist to exchange your pounds into euros. For more information, visit the Currency Zone or Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Greece, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Greece Property Buying Guide

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