Using a specialist currency firm to transfer their savings from the UK gave James and Val London peace of mind and saved them money when they moved to France.

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

Since retiring to their French village property in the central department of Indre two years ago, British couple the Londons have used Smart Currency Exchange to transfer more than £140,000-worth of euros to their French bank account from the UK. Smart consistently offers better exchange rates than high street banks for clients moving money between foreign currency accounts, only charges (minimal) fees on transfers worth less than £3,000 and offers a personal, swift service.

“Our transfers went without a hitch or concern,” said James. “We chose Smart after realising the cost of bank charges and the vagaries of the inter-bank rate would be unnecessarily high. My research turned up a couple of options but we selected Smart and have never looked back on our choice. The initial paperwork was easy to complete and we were reassured that everything was safe and supported by capable, experienced and interested staff.”

James and Val have owned their 250-year-old renovated “longère” property, near Argenton sur Creuse, for more than 20 years. When they were able to move there permanently, after James retired after nearly 40 years in the Army, they decided to make it a B&B as well as their home. Living on the ground floor, they offer three comfortable suites on the upper floor and a mature landscaped garden with views and a selection of fruit trees for guests to enjoy.

“Our guests come from many different countries, including the USA and Australia, and many guests order evening meals that are freshly cooked, using locally sourced ingredients and home grown fruits and veg whenever possible,” said James. “Having just been asked to join Alastair Sawday we feel that our venture is proving to be worth our while and gathering an attractive momentum.”

So what about future plans? “We will take a proverbial rain check in eight or so years’ time,” commented James, “to consider whether a move to an alternative address may be necessary. We’re being realistic as both a large home and garden does demand considerable effort and stamina, and should we decide that a move would be prudent, we would still be ‘young enough’ to do so. Our two sons are settled, one in England and the other in Corfu, so where to go in the future remains one of those ‘known unknowns. ‘”

To find out more about the London’s B&B, visit their website

For more information on how Smart Currency Exchange could save you money, download their free guide by clicking here.