Summer time is here at last! Now before you get all carried away fantasising about a relaxed drive down to the south of France, with the wind in your hair there is one obstacle that you should prepare yourself for – traffic!

Article written by The Overseas Guides Company

In the few weeks of August, millions of French hop behind the wheel and depart en masse to the countryside and inevitably, when teamed with traffic from the rest of Europe, this leads to some serious hold-ups on the motorways. Perhaps the most famous gigantic traffic jam was back in the summer of 2009 when five million holiday-makers hit the roads only to find themselves in a tail-back spanning 866 kilometres. Ouch!

With the mayhem on the roads largely unavoidable, it’s important that you know your stuff when you hit the French tarmac. Here are a few tips from the FranceBuyingGuide which will help you on your way…

  1. Drive on the right
  2. You might think this is obvious but you will be surprised to hear than many people forget and continue on auto-pilot. If you are struggling, pop post it notes on the windscreen and steering wheel to remind you until you get the hang of it!

  3. Remember “Priorite a droite”
  4. It’s essential that you remember that motorists who are turning on to your road from the right have right of way. Just to keep things confusing, there are exceptions to the rule – if you are at a stop signs, traffic lights and roundabouts. It takes a little getting used to but just be aware that you need to give way to your right.

  5. Carry your documentation
  6. Always keep your documentation handy – spot checks are relatively common and when you are already facing heavy traffic, the last thing you want is further delays.

  7. Obey speed limits
  8. Radar checks are becoming more and more common so always stick to the speed limit just like you would do back home!

  9. Beware of other drivers
  10. The French can be pretty dubious drivers and are prone to driving very fast on rural roads. Country roads are quite often completely deserted but don’t let this put your mind at rest – always keep your wits about you.

For details of properties for sale in France visit the French listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying in France, or moving there, is to use a currency exchange specialist when transferring your pounds into euros. For more information on this, visit the Currency Zone or contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in France, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘France Property Buying Guide’

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