Portugal property is among the lower-priced real estate that investors can now look to buy, it has been stated.

The country is one of those where "more affordable" homes means that Britons are increasingly keen to buy there, according to overseas mortgage firm Conti.

Operations director for the company Clare Nessling said: "Over the last few weeks we’ve seen an increase of around 20 per cent in the number of enquiries received and quotes given out for European mortgages."

She said that confidence among investors has been increased by factors such as the recent cut in euro interest rates by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the increase in value against the euro by sterling.

These factors may prompt those thinking of buying Portugal property to look more closely at the country.

Earlier this month the ECB voted to lower its main refinancing rate by 0.25 basis points to one per cent, something that may help cut mortgage rates.

Visit Rightmove Overseas for the best selection of Portugal property. Stop dreaming, start searching!