This week the speaks to teachers Dave and Natalie who moved to Perth in 2003.

In this useful interview they discuss what made them choose Perth, how they found the visa application process and how easy it was to transfer qualifications to Western Australia…

When and why did you choose to move to Perth?

We moved here in January 2003 and we chose Perth by accident really. Our initial idea was to fly to Perth first as neither of us had been to Western Australia before and then we would hire a motor home and travel around the different cities to see where we liked best. After spending a week or so in Perth we loved it so much we just thought we would stay and see how we went. We haven’t left yet…

You’re both teachers?

Yes we are. Natalie has always been a teacher, she got a job soon after we arrived which was supposed to be only for one term but she is still there! I was a draughtsman in the UK but decided to retrain and become a teacher once we were here. I went to university as a mature student for three and a half years and have been teaching for nearly five years now.

What did you do in your spare time to help you settle in and make friends?

We joined sports clubs – that was all it took!

What was the time frame between lodging your application, getting accepted and actually moving?

It took two years from the first stage of applying, which was getting Natalie’s qualification assessed, to getting the visa. We left the UK around six months after our visa was granted which allowed us time to get our affairs in order.

Did you encounter any obstacles with the move, such as visa issues, quarantine and so on?

We were lucky and didn’t really face any obstacles. Everything went surprisingly smoothly and was actually pretty easy in hindsight. However, there was a LOT of paperwork – especially relating to getting Natalie’s qualifications assessed so I would advise people who want to do the same to start early.

Did you rent when you first arrived or jump straight in and buy?

We bought our first place after just one month of living here. Maybe we should have rented first but we have had no problems selling up and buying somewhere new. We have actually bought and lived in four different homes over here now. It’s a bit ridiculous really but that’s what we’re like! It took us some time to establish which Perth suburb was the best for us but we’ve enjoyed moving about. We found all of our houses through either the local major paper or the internet. It is so easy to buy a house here compared with the UK.

If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about the move – what would it be?

We could have done with a lot more information about the suburbs around Perth because they are all quite different. Back in 2003, there wasn’t much information available about this but I’m sure that it would be easier to find now.

If you’re thinking of doing the same as Dave and Natalie, we recommend seeking advice from a certified migration agent, such as Taylor Hampton Solicitors, to guarantee that you follow the correct application procedures and increase your chances of being granted a visa for Australia. Remember to make sure that any agent you use is registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) and a Member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA).

For details of property for sale in Australia, visit the Australia listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when emigrating to Australia, or buying property there, is to use a currency specialist when transferring your pounds into dollars. For more information on this, contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Australia, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Australia Property Buying Guide