Whether you plan on relocating on a permanent basis or just want to use your holiday home as a place to get away from it all, it is important that you take a moment to consider your healthcare options.

Healthcare systems vary from country to country and may not include services which you would expect to get free of charge under the NHS. Your health is the most important thing and whilst away the last thing you should be worrying about is what you would do should you be taken ill.

If you are moving to another European Economic Area (EEA) country to live but not to work and you don’t receive benefits from the UK, it may mean you are eligible for up to two and a half years of state healthcare paid by the UK. In order to see whether you are eligible, you should speak to NHS’s Overseas Healthcare team on 0191 218 1999. You will have to fill in an S1 form which then entitles you to treatment on the same basis as residents of the country.

European Health Insurance Card holders should be aware that over four million will expire this year. If you have a card, it may be worth checking its expiry date before you leave the country. EHIC card holders are entitled to the same benefits that locals get so if they receive healthcare free of charge then you will too. To ensure you are able to claim back for treatment that you might require you will need to make sure that the doctor or hospital that you visit is registered with the National Insurance Fund as only then will you be able to claim back the fees you will have to pay.

Although EHIC cards do cover you for the basics, they are primarily aimed at people holidaying in Europe. For those relocating permanently to somewhere outside of the EU or those who are planning on spending extended periods of time in another country it will undoubtedly pay to invest in international healthcare insurance.

International healthcare insurance can be tailor-made to make sure that it fits with your needs. You can include dental, optical and maternity care in your insurance plan as well as providing for chronic conditions, hospital stays and even special services including organ transplants. Your insurance policy can be decided so that you are covered for all eventualities and therefore can enjoy your time safe in the knowledge that should anything happen, you won’t be paying through the nose for the treatment.

For more information on healthcare in France click here, in Spain click here, in the USA, click here and in Italy click here.