People planning on jetting off for a break in Portugal these Easter holidays may have to resign themselves to packing waterproofs and warm clothes – rain has finally arrived!

Although this may disappoint holidaymakers, locals are breathing a collective sigh of relief that the heavens have opened. This winter has been the driest in Portugal since records began.

Seasonal April showers and unsettled weather have descended on the entire country. So far, the Algarve has seen the worst of it, with heavy downpours and temperatures way below the seasonal average. No doubt this news will have tourists from the UK shaking their heads in dismay as they add an umbrella to their ‘things to pack’ list.

Long-term weather forecasts suggest that this unpredictable weather will continue for all of April. As the Easter holidays begin, temperature forecasts for certain days in the Algarve are as much as 10 degrees Celsius below seasonal norms. In addition, heavy rain appears set to soon spread to central and northern areas of the country.

One saving grace for those travelling to Portugal over the spring holiday is that the forecast in the UK is not much better. Rain and cold temperatures at expected across Great Britain and at least when the sun does decide to show its face in Portugal, it is sure to be strong and warm!

Meanwhile, locals will be hoping that sufficient rain will fall to stave off the predicted summer drought. With the economic crisis in Portugal, a drought couldn’t come at a worse time for the nation as it has put thousands of jobs and millions of euros worth of agricultural output at threat.

For details of property for sale in Portugal, visit the Portuguese listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when buying in Portugal is to use a currency specialist when transferring your pounds into Euros to complete the purchase of your property. For more information on this, contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in Portugal, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘Portugal Property Buying Guide