The city of Guimaraes is to share the title of European Capital of Culture in 2012, something that could interest Portugal property buyers.

Guimaraes will hold the title jointly with Maribor in Slovenia over the course of the year, which will enable it to raise its profile and attract investment and tourism.

Such a prospect may prompt Portugal property seekers to consider investing in the area, as this could help increase prices and lead to new developments for visitors.

Evidence that holding the title can be beneficial for the property market in a city was revealed by Halifax, which studied the effects the status had on 2008 Capital of Culture Liverpool.

It found that in the five years after the announcement of the award in June 2003, the city saw its average house price rise by 76 per cent, compared with 69 per cent for the north-west region and 50 per cent for England as a whole.

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