The most prominent banner package we offer, putting your artwork in 5 different locations on the website, delivering maximum exposure.

It ensures that your brand is dominant in your key markets and your company is one of the first buyers see. You can link these banners to your own website, to your listings, or even a custom made landing page with PDF download function.

Your banners will be in these FIVE locations:

  • Banner on Country Homepage
  • Banner on Country Hot Properties page
  • Banner on “email lead” Confirmation Email
  • Banner on Country Email Alerts
  • Banner on “lead sent” confirmation page

    Why Purchase a Country Sponsorship Package?

  • Be one of the first agents or developers buyers see
  • Drive high levels of fresh user traffic to a destination of your choice
  • Huge branding impact
  • The only product that allows external links

    How Long Can I Advertise for and How Much do the Banners Cost per Month?

    The cost varies depending on the country where the banner will be placed and how much traffic we receive for that country. Prices start from as little as £100 per month.

    You can book for anything from one month to three months depending on availability.

    Contact your Account Manager if you are an existing member.

    If you are not an existing member please call +44 (0)1908 308 532 to find out more.

    Need to see evidence of this banner working? Please see a testimonial below from Andalucia Realty:

    “I am very happy with the country banner which I used after I had failed to increase the number of leads by using other adverts. It gave me the visibility that I needed and increased noticeably the amount of leads that I was receiving. I will definitely be using it again in the future”. Assaad Fakhry 15.02.2012