A few years ago, in the height of Orlando’s property boom, mortgages and properties were flying off the shelves. Today, however, it is a slightly different story, as research shows that so far this year, only one in ten sales of condos in Orlando were purchased with a mortgage – the remaining nine were cash purchases.

This highlights the struggle that people are facing when trying to obtain mortgages in the area. Reasons for this could be that the government-backed mortgages have now disappeared. Mortgages also seem to be more difficult to obtain for condo purposes because many lending companies are against the multi-family properties.

“Right now, condos are almost impossible to finance, and it has little to do with the homeowner associations” commented an estate agent based in Orlando. He continues; “It’s the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rules and guidelines that deter owner-occupants on those condo properties, which could be a starter home for a family.”

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