Here in the UK we are fortunate enough to receive free healthcare but this is not the case everywhere, including New Zealand.

Ensuring that your healthcare is looked after should be a major consideration factored into your decision to emigrate abroad.

We know what a minefield researching every little detail of your move can be so we have compiled a list of some of the major points to look out when sorting out your medical treatment in New Zealand.

Those planning a move to The Land of the Long White Cloud will be pleased to discover that medical treatment in New Zealand is funded by general taxes. This means that the majority of care is free or at least subsidised for citizens and residents.

As you would if you were relocating within the UK, it is worth researching your local GPs before you make a choice of where to register. Obviously, it is of utmost importance that you opt for a surgery with a stellar reputation but another key factor to consider is how much they charge as a consultation fee. As a standard point of reference, GPs’ consultation rates usually range between $30-$50.

Whether you are referred by your doctor or admitted in an emergency, hospital treatment is free of charge.

In addition New Zealand has a public insurance system called the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) that subsidises the costs for treatments that are required as a result of an accident.

Dental treatment is not generally free. Much like the UK, if you want to see a dentist – you need to pay. An exception to this rule is that treatment for young children is free or heavily subsidised.

Illness is the last thing you want to think about when emigrating, but it pays to be familiar with the system in your new country and to know where and when you can get further information. Overall, we have found the health care system here to be excellent and efficient.

If you are in doubt about your eligibility for treatment the Department of Health NZ has a comprehensive list of those that qualify for free treatment.

For details of property for sale in New Zealand, visit the NZ listings on Rightmove Overseas. One way to save money when emigrating to NZ or buying property there is to use a currency specialist when transferring your pounds into dollars. For more information on this, contact Smart Currency Exchange.

To understand the full step-by-step process to buying a property in New Zealand, collect The Overseas Guides Company’s ‘New Zealand Property Buying Guide