Consumer Confidence Survey

Costly waiting game as eight out of 10 London buyers not willing to compromise on first choice location

Costly waiting game as eight out of 10 London buyers not willing to compromise on first choice location

With buyer demand still exceeding available property supply in London, the choice that many buyers are looking for is not there.

Property news   |   March 12, 2014
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Renters ‘love affair’ with homeownership as strong as ever

Renters ‘love affair’ with homeownership as strong as ever

Despite the travails of the property market post-credit crunch, Britain’s desire to own a roof, rather than rent one, remains stoically undimmed.

Property news   |   August 5, 2013
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Rent growth set to ease as just one in four landlords intend to put their rents up in 2013

Rent growth set to ease as just one in four landlords intend to put their rents up in 2013

Strongest indication yet that landlords are tempering their rental expectations for 2013.

Property news   |   December 3, 2012
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Proportion of price optimists forecasting higher prices increases from 22% to 29%

Proportion of price optimists forecasting higher prices increases from 22% to 29%

The proportion of respondents expecting average asking prices to be higher a year from now has risen to 29%.

Property news   |   October 29, 2012
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Growing market mismatch as two in five sellers state they are looking to trade down

Growing market mismatch as two in five sellers state they are looking to trade down

Respondents who stated they intend to sell over the next 12 months were asked their main motivation for moving.

Property news   |   May 21, 2012
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Home-movers believe prices are still above ‘fair and reasonable’ levels

Home-movers believe prices are still above ‘fair and reasonable’ levels

The overwhelming view is that property prices will be the same or higher in a years’ time.

Property news   |   May 13, 2012
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Suitable stock emerges as the major buyer concern

Suitable stock emerges as the major buyer concern

Half of those intending to buy in the next 12 months state that finding a suitable property to buy is their single biggest concern.

Property news   |   May 12, 2012
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House price confidence is strongly influenced by mortgage-related factors

House price confidence is strongly influenced by mortgage-related factors

There is evidence that house price confidence is steered by their interpretation of mortgage availability.

Property news   |   May 11, 2012
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