Property news

The latest on the housing market, property inspiration and home-moving news.

London first-time buyer levels remain relatively high as national first-time buyer levels drop below 1 in 4

London first-time buyer levels remain relatively high as national first-time buyer levels drop below 1 in 4

Rightmove’ Q1 First-Time Buyer Report finds that the proportion of buyers intending to purchase for the first time over the year ahead in London now stands at 38.6%.

Property news   |   March 2, 2011
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First-time buyer levels drop below 1 in 4

First-time buyer levels drop below 1 in 4

Rightmove’ Q1 First-Time Buyer Report finds that the proportion of buyers intending to purchase for the first time over the year ahead has dropped below one-in-four. Prospective first-time buyer levels dropped from 25.5% in the final quarter of 2010, to just 22.8% in Q1 2011.

Property news   |   March 2, 2011
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Sports Personality of the Year sells his equestrian manor!

Sports Personality of the Year sells his equestrian manor!

He won the Grand National last year so it wasn’t going to be long until he sold up and moved somewhere equally grand. That’s not to say his current abode is anything less than spectacular.

Celebrity homes   |   March 1, 2011
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The most viewed properties so far in 2011!

The most viewed properties so far in 2011!

Find out which properties have been viewed the most on Rightmove in 2011 so far, with our top 12 list.

Property news   |   February 17, 2011
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Properties with heart!

Properties with heart!

As it's Valentine's Day we thought we'd have a look for 'love-themed' properties on Rightmove to get you into the romantic mood.

Dream properties   |   February 14, 2011
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Regional Performance

Regional Performance

[regionaltable region=”Greater London” house_prices_up=”27.6″ house_prices_same=”35.2″ house_prices_down=”31.4″ house_prices_dont_know=”5.8″ buy_good_time=”53.2″ buy_neither_good_bad=”26.7″ buy_bad_time=”16.2″ buy_dont_know=”4″ sell_good_time=”7.5″ sell_neither_good_bad=”25.8″ sell_bad_time=”62.1″ sell_dont_know=”4.5″] [regionaltable region=”South West” house_prices_up=”22.2″ house_prices_same=”36.3″ house_prices_down=”36.5″ house_prices_dont_know=”4.9″ buy_good_time=”58″ buy_neither_good_bad=”24.6″ buy_bad_time=”15″ buy_dont_know=”2.3″ sell_good_time=”5.5″ sell_neither_good_bad=”26.5″ sell_bad_time=”65.7″ sell_dont_know=”2.3″] [regionaltable region=”Wales” house_prices_up=”22.2″ house_prices_same=”37.6″ house_prices_down=”34.7″ house_prices_dont_know=”5.5″ buy_good_time=”61.9″ buy_neither_good_bad=”21.9″ buy_bad_time=”13.9″ buy_dont_know=”2.4″ sell_good_time=”4.2″ sell_neither_good_bad=”18.9″ sell_bad_time=”74″ sell_dont_know=”2.9″] [regionaltable region=”West Midlands” house_prices_up=”22.6″ house_prices_same=”39.5″ house_prices_down=”31.4″ house_prices_dont_know=”6.5″ buy_good_time=”61.8″ buy_neither_good_bad=”23.4″ buy_bad_time=”12.3″ buy_dont_know=”2.5″ […]

CCS Quarter 1 2011   |   February 14, 2011
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CCS Quarter 1 2011

CCS Quarter 1 2011

[ccs-table this_quarter=”Q1 January 2011″ last_quarter=”Q4 October 2010″ table1=”House price forecast – one year from now” house_prices_up_this_quarter=”24.2″ house_prices_up_last_quarter=”-2.7″ house_prices_up_last_year=”-29.4″ house_prices_same_this_quarter=”38″ house_prices_same_last_quarter=”2.2″ house_prices_same_last_year=”8.1″ house_prices_down_this_quarter=”32.3″ house_prices_down_last_quarter=”0.3″ house_prices_down_last_year=”19.7″ table2=”Is it currently a good time to buy?” good_time_to_buy_this_quarter=”60.4″ good_time_to_buy_last_quarter=”0.2″ good_time_to_buy_last_year=”-1.6″ better_1_year_buy_this_quarter=”25.5″ better_1_year_buy_last_quarter=”-1.4″ better_1_year_buy_last_year=”-0.5″ table3=”Is it currently a good time to sell?” good_time_to_sell_this_quarter=”5″ good_time_to_sell_last_quarter=”-1.0″ good_time_to_sell_last_year=”-0.7″ better_1_year_sell_this_quarter=”29.6″ better_1_year_sell_last_quarter=”0″ better_1_year_sell_last_year=”-20.8″ “] [appendix-start] The […]

CCS Quarter 1 2011   |   February 14, 2011
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Home is where the heart is for first-time buyers as three quarters now buy as a couple

Home is where the heart is for first-time buyers as three quarters now buy as a couple

First-time buyers are coupling-up in increasing numbers in order to meet the costs of home ownership and get their foot on the property ladder.

Property news   |   February 14, 2011
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