How to maintain a thatched property

Living in a chocolate box thatched roof cottage is an idea many of us love; but owning one comes with special requirements too. Despite common fears of maintenance costs, fire risk, insurance and vermin, owning one is typically no more complicated than owning a property with a normal roof – as long as you understand the differences.

Maximising the life expectancy of your thatched roof with a regular maintenance plan is essential, given the cost of re-thatching could be tens of thousands of pounds depending on the size of your roof. As a general guide a Water Reed (Norfolk Reed) roof could last 50-80 years, Combed Wheat 30-40 years and Long Straw 15-25 years, but there are always exceptions, and ridges typically last only 10-15 years.

Find a quality thatcher

Finding a quality thatcher is essential. Their experience and expertise of working with your thatch material can play a major role in the life expectancy of your roof. The title of ‘Master Thatcher’ does not mean that they have any particular skill level, it merely means that they are an independent craftsman. Remember a good thatcher usually has a waiting list so you need to be prepared to wait for their services, sometimes up to a year, which means advance planning if you want to maintain your roof regularly.

Do annual maintenance

Annual maintenance is the sensible approach to ensure that your thatch is in good condition and to make minor repairs where needed. It is also easier for most to manage a few hundred pounds every year for repairs, as opposed to a few thousand pounds for more significant works to be undertaken.
It is not uncommon for thatched properties to have simple roof structures. All too often property owners are advised to strip and recover their roof by inappropriately qualified professionals, who condemn this structure. Quite often simple repairs and strengthening can ensure the retention of the existing structure and avoid a total re-thatch.

Regularly review fire precautions

Being aware of fire precautions is familiar to all thatched roof owners, but it’s easy to get complacent so make a point of reviewing them regularly. Have the pointing of your chimney stack checked to ensure hot gases cannot seep into the thatch and create localised areas of heat and combustion. Use appropriate fuel in fireplaces and stoves to reduce depositing combustible wood tar inside the chimney. Fit flue liners and have your chimneys swept annually. There are fire retardant applications that can be applied to the thatch to reduce the risk of fire, and any electrical wiring in the roof must be in trunking.

Get specialist insurance

Getting a thatched roof insured is probably not as expensive as you think. Choose a specialist insurer that understands thatched properties, as they will provide competitive premiums based on real risks rather than assumptions. You may not need it, but should the worst happen you know you can cover the repairs.

Maintaining a thatched property needn’t be a headache. With some forward planning, a checklist of maintenance tasks and the skills of an experienced thatcher, you can enjoy your quintessentially English country home with peace of mind.

Fells New Forest Property are a well established New Forest Estate Agent specialising in the sale of character homes across the New Forest National Park and surrounding areas. You can follow them on Instagram and Twitter at @FellsNewForest or click above to visit the site.

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