Seller top tips – Stack the odds of selling in your favour

Don't leave it to chance

Rightmove recently introduced a
sellers advice page giving sellers the opportunity to share their selling stories and tips with each other. Since its launch a month ago, 170,000 current and potential sellers have flocked to the sellers advice page.

In an uncertain market where 70% of homes brought to market in the first half of 2011 were still up for sale at the end of June, sellers have been seeking out advice to ensure their homes get sold. Rightmove are providing tips to sellers on how to work with their agent to price effectively and optimise the presentation of their property to sell.

Miles Shipside commented: “The heavy traffic we’ve seen on the sellers page shows the huge appetite that’s out there for guidance on how to get homes sold. Our main message to sellers is to work closely with their agents to ensure their home is priced, promoted and presented to sell.”

See the video below for Rightmove’s top tips for selling:

What do sellers have to say?

Sellers have been commenting in their hundreds about how they research the market, choose an agent and ultimately how they attract buyers to complete that all-important sale.

38% of sellers commented that they believed pricing a house realistically is the key to selling a property; many discussed how they have dropped their asking prices to attract buyers.

16% of sellers who shared their thoughts on the advice page think that when it comes to selling a house, good quality photos and marketing the property well online are crucial factors. Sellers also highlighted the importance of keeping the house clean, de-cluttering, repainting and sprucing up the garden.


Top tips from sellers

How to choose an agent –

  1. – Research the agents in the area
  2. – Ask for agent recommendations from friends and family
  3. – Ask at least 3 agents to value your property
  4. – Interview the agent to get a feel for how they will market your property

How to research the market –

  1. – Look at sold prices in the area
  2. – Keep an eye on the local market prior to bringing your property to market
  3. – Look at the competition before valuing your property
  4. – Drive around the area to see local demand
  5. – Ask locals about the area

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