Need help finding your perfect location?

Unless you know exactly where you want to move to, figuring out where your next home should be is sometimes the trickiest part of your search.

And did you know that being in lockdown has made people re-evaluate where they want to live?

For example, almost one third of buyers (30%) say that lockdown has now made them want to live in a rural area, while one in five first-time buyers (19%) say they now want to live in a rural area.

So if you’re thinking about leaving the city in favour of a life nearer the countryside (perhaps because you plan to work from home more now) we have a tool that can help.

Where can I live?’ increases your search options by finding all the areas that match – not only your property criteria – but also other preferences, such as commute times, routes for school runs and even the ability to add friends and family that you want to be near.

Here’s a quick guide to using Where Can I Live?

1. Sign in to your Rightmove account.

2. Tell us the places you need to be near to. You can select work, school, or even friends and family.

3. Then let us know how long you’re willing to travel for, as well as your form of transport. You can choose up to three locations, and we’ll match them all up for you.

4. Choose your budget and property criteria.

5. Click on ‘Find Areas’ and that’s it!

This will not only save you loads of time, but is also likely to reveal options that you may not have considered before, all of which match your criteria.

Our savvy little tool will do all the work of finding transport links, bicycle routes, schools, and more, so you can find a home perfectly within the radius of the places that are most important to you.

Discover your perfect location now

READ MORE: Where are the most in-demand coastal towns?

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