First impressions count, especially in your home!

Written by Ana Aguilar –

The good news is the property market has started its recovery but if you want to get the best price for your property then the way you present your home is key.

Curb Appeal

If a buyer won’t like the exterior of your home, you’ll never get them inside so keep the sidewalks cleared, paint faded windows, trim the bushes and make sure viewers can clearly read your house number.

Front door

It is the first thing a potential buyer will see when coming to visit your property, it must be eye-catching without being too loud in order to give the right impression.


It can often help the buyer to make a decision therefore keeping your garden tidy is a must; make sure you cut the grass and weed pathways and beds. Walking up a weed infested path is a clear sign of a place that is not cared for.


Being the heart of the home it is one of the most important rooms in the house since we spend many hours cooking and eating in it. Be sure it is clutter free with no dirty dishes, cleaned floors, work tops and sinks that sparkle and do remember to empty the bin before every viewing.

Making simple improvements to the kitchen, i.e. changing kitchen cupboard handles,  worktops and adding a lick of paint to tired surrounds are all easy enough to make and will improve your home appeal to potential buyers.


The buyer might not have the same taste as you and might not like the garish wallpaper in your living room or the orange walls in the kitchen; these colours scream the house belongs to you and could cost you a sale. Paint the walls in a neutral colour in order to get the buyer interested in your house.

Tidy up

There is nothing worse than an untidy house, no doubt it will put the potential buyer off making an offer. Clean your home from top to bottom, i.e.  Wash windows inside and out, rent a pressure washer and spray down sidewalks and exterior, clean out cobwebs, polish chrome faucets and mirrors, vacuum daily, dust furniture and light fixtures, bleach dingy grout, hang up fresh towels, clean and air out any musty smelling areas.

It is also a great opportunity to get rid of any unwanted items such as old knickknacks, old clothes and anything else you may have accumulated over the years. This way you will be ready for when you sell your current home and move into your new property. Pack up those personal photographs and family heirlooms. Buyers can’t see past personal artefacts, and you don’t want them to be distracted.

Remember your job is to help do all you can to sell your house, so you can buy your new dream home.

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