Property Guides

Property news

10 Top Tips For Moving Home at Christmas

10 Top Tips For Moving Home at Christmas

Moving house can be stressful, particularly at Christmas time, but surprisingly this is one of the most popular times for moving home.

Property Guides   |   December 8, 2017
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Rightmove’s 40 Fave Christmas Songs!

Rightmove’s 40 Fave Christmas Songs!

Driving home for Christmas? We've got you covered with our festive favourites.

Property Guides   |   December 1, 2017
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5 Steps To Decluttering Your Home

5 Steps To Decluttering Your Home

Follow these tips to give your home a well overdue clear out of clutter.

Property Guides   |   August 18, 2017
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12 Reasons Renting Is Amazing

12 Reasons Renting Is Amazing

We put paid to the ever-present myth that buying is always better than renting.

Property Guides   |   August 16, 2017
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Why converting your basement can improve your property?

Why converting your basement can improve your property?

There are plenty of questions regarding if converting your basement is a good idea or not... Timberwise will explain what the benefits of converting your basement are.

Property Guides   |   May 28, 2017
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Brighten Up Your Home For Spring 2017

Brighten Up Your Home For Spring 2017

Check out these ideas to help you make the most out of Spring this year!

Property Guides   |   May 14, 2017
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Lawn Alternative Garden Ideas

Lawn Alternative Garden Ideas

Do you love your garden but don't have the time to maintain a lawn? Here's some alternatives...

Property Guides   |   April 17, 2017
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5 Ways To Make Your Home More Luxurious

5 Ways To Make Your Home More Luxurious

Give your home a show-worthy look and feel on a minimum budget.

Property Guides   |   April 1, 2017
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