13 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Spare Room

While bagging your dream home is a life-long pursuit for most of us, there is still a way to bring a spot of luxury, personality and wonder to whatever home you have – all it takes is some hard graft, a bit of inspiration… and a spare room that’s not being used!

Most people’s spare rooms end up being used for a lot of things, but not in the right way! From hanging up the washing to dumping all of that clutter out of sight out of mind, many of us are sitting on a bit of space that could be making us so much happier if we just think big for a second.

Maybe you’ve always wanted that walk-in closet idolised by Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City or perhaps you’ve always wanted a quiet oasis to sit and read or write.

Perhaps it’s fitness that’s your thing and you’re sick of over-priced gym memberships and jogs in the mud and rain.

Either way, sit back as we provide you with 13 relatively simple ideas for how to transform your spare room into your new favourite room in the house!


Who fancies a walk-in wardrobe?

If you’re one of those people whose wardrobe is bursting at the seams and your shoes seem to be multiplying every month then it might be time to think about creating your own walk-in closet out of that ignored spare room. You’ll thank us later!


Get those creative juices flowing with your own art studio

For your own art studio all you really need is a quiet space, a good bit of light and somewhere to store all your art materials. Simples!


Fancy getting a bit more hands-on? 

For those of you who are a bit more hands-on with your creativity you’ll need a bit more space, but likely won’t regret investing in having your own home workshop to get creative whenever the mood strikes you.


A whole music room anyone?

If you’ve got more guitars than you have shirts or if being serenaded by a budding piano player in your household sounds like heaven, then your very own dedicated music room could prove a winner.


For those quieter moments in life…

Overflowing bookcases and growing piles of books dotted around the place? It’s time to accept you’re a bookworm through and through and bagsy that spare room for your own reading oasis. Perfect for those lazy weekends!


Give muddy carpets the boot – with your own cloakroom!

Another cheeky luxury here but if your family’s full of outdoors lovers – or dogs rather fond of the mud – then this might be the way to go.


Every aspiring chef’s dream!

Not only will having your own personal pantry free up space in the kitchen for more pans, gadgets and kitchen wizardry but you’ll also be able to store more cupboard essentials – bulk purchases anyone?


Ready to get serious with your fitness?

Some people love the gym and some hate it – so if you fall into the latter category then a home workout area could be the way to go. It doesn’t need to have state-of-the-art kit either, just nab some workout mats, a set of weights and a second-hand treadmill and get to work!


Can’t go wrong with your own games room!

You’d fast become the favourite in your friendship group if you had a whole room for your snooker table… #LifeGoals


Ready to get serious parent-points?!

And if we’re honest, once they went to bed you’d totally have a cheeky go in the play room ball pit. Right?


Create a productive home office… 

You’d be able to work from home more and get so much done – all without the problems of a hectic commute. Sounds perfect to us!


How do you fancy creating your own bar?!

Mixing up cocktails, shaking up a martini or decanting your favourite bottle of red. Have we sold it yet?


For a slightly more luxury investment!

This would be a complete luxury – but having your own sauna does sound quite good right?!


So there you have it – our top ideas for how to transform your spare room into the most popular room in the house! Which is your favourite? Or do you have your own master plan for what to do? Tweet us @rightmove to let us know.

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