England > West Midlands > Shropshire house prices

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Most of the sales in Shropshire over the past year were detached properties which on average sold for £402,308. Semi-detached properties had an average sold price of £231,719 and terraced properties averaged at £205,864.

Shropshire, with an overall average price of £284,109 was more expensive than nearby Staffordshire (£239,437), but was cheaper than Worcestershire (£332,023) and Herefordshire (£329,755). The most expensive area within Shropshire was Claverley (£478,438) and the cheapest was Leegomery (£213,375).

In the past year house prices in Shropshire were 4% down on the year before and 3% up on 2021 when they averaged at £275,114.