Property guides

Moving in and out of a property

Moving in and out of properties can be a stressful and tiring experience as there are so many things to remember. Follow our advice to help take the edge off your next move.

Moving in day

At the start of every tenancy, on move-in day, an inventory check-in will be conducted by a qualified company or individual appointed by the landlord or agent. If there is no inventory check-in you can ask your letting agent landlord to carry out one.

This report is essentially in two parts, the ‘inventory’ element lists all of the items and the contents of the property and the ‘check-in’ element lists the condition of all of those items at the start of the tenancy along with confirmation of the meter readings and the number of keys handed over. It’s also useful to keep a copy of the tenancy agreement for reference purposes.

Although not necessary, it can be worthwhile setting up a standing order for your rent payments, as opposed to manually sending the money, this way you won’t miss any payments.

If you are a full-time student then you are exempt from council tax, however, this does require each individual student having to provide exemption certificates to the council.  If possible try to avoid living with part-time students, as they still have to pay council tax and the household may decide it’s unfair for the part-time student to pay the entire Council Tax bill on their own.

Remember to update your address when you move

  • With government authorities, including HM Revenue and Customs and your local council.
  • With local health services, your employer, your bank and Royal Mail.
  • On the electoral register online.  You can also register to vote here.
  • With utility, insurance, and service suppliers, and on your driving licence, TV licence, and subscriptions.

Moving out day

Your tenancy agreement will provide you with all of the details regarding when your lease comes to an end along with anything else you may be required to do. Some landlords/agents may insist that you have the property professionally cleaned before you move out.

TIP: If you are unsure about anything, speak to your landlord/letting agent or your student union.

In the weeks building up to moving day, gather as many boxes as possible along with as any other items you feel may be useful for transporting your possessions.

  • Supermarkets and shops are usually a good place to find unwanted cardboard boxes that can be reused for free.
  • Try to eat as much of your leftover food (probably a lot of baked beans!) as possible before you move to save cash and space.

If you think there could be a lot of rubbish to dispose of on moving day, try to stagger the amount of waste you put out for collection over a few weeks. Many councils now limit the amount of waste that will be taken per household and if there is a pile of uncollected refuse at your property when the end of tenancy inventory takes place, the agent or landlord may be within their rights to charge you for its removal. This can be very costly.

Tips to ensure you get your full deposit back:

  • Ensure all rubbish has been removed from the property (including any gardens/yards)
  • Wash walls and skirting boards to remove any marks and grime
  • Repair/replace anything which has been broken
  • Vacuum carpets and mop floors
  • Give the bathrooms, kitchen and all other communal areas a thorough clean
  • Air the property as much as you can
  • Defrost the freezer and clean the fridge (as well as empty them)
  • Take pictures of the house once you’ve cleaned and removed your possessions just in case there are any disputes over the condition the house has been left in

For more information on getting your deposit back, visit our section here.

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